February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

First, for all the Whovians.....

Second, for all the married couples (or single people's parents or whatever)....  Some words of advice from our friends at Get In Here Igniter Ministries.

Lastly, for all of us single people, who will be celebrating Single Awareness Day (S.A.D.) this year....

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all.



Treskie said...

I LOVE that DW picture. I mean... yeah. Awesome. :)

And Messy Mondays are brilliant. I love them all. lol. :)

Isabella DeLallo said...

From all Whovians (especially me) Thank you! I am absurdly proud of being a Whovian.

Ah, those Messy Monday's people are so funny. (Pst- I think they are whovians too :D)

Do you enjoy my blog? I'm trying to improve it

God Bless!

Isabella DeLallo said...

Me again :) I tagged you but only if you want it


Anonymous said...

Bella - HA! : )

I know! I think they're Whovians, too. : D

Yes!!! I just forget to comment. : P Will do so!

And thanks for the tag! Methinks I'll do it....


Isabella DeLallo said...


thanks. I'm glad. No hurry for the tag :)