June 12, 2012

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah... Days Three and Four

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah.

Still here at camp. I've been here four whole days, and we see the end coming closer and closer. "The awful thing about vacations," says Sallie McBride from Dear Enemy, "is that the moment it begins, your happiness is already clouded by its approaching end." Too true. We're having as much fun as possible under the circumstances, though. (This is where you say, "Do tell!" Whoops. Sorry. Been reading a little too much of Right Ho, Jeeves!)

Yesterday, we got up fairly early after a late night, had one of Honey's Big Breakfasts, and headed off to the bowling alley with all of the campers. Another cousin of ours joined us this year and had a blast. We're going to see him again tomorrow when we go swimming again.

We all perfected our bowling swing... or whatever it's called...

... but some of the campers still haven't gotten the fact that you throw the ball, not kick it. (Kidding, Shultz! He was just throwing it.... Funny picture enclosed.)

MagicMan, the alias of The Other Cousin, decided he wanted to bowl backwards. He won the second game. (Which puts me in mind... why is it that whenever we bowl and play mini-golf, I always - for the past quite a few years - have gotten the lowest score on bowling and the highest on mini-golf?! I think my mind is messed up and thinks I should score that way...)

Little Bit, which is what the grandparents/camp counselors call my little brother - isn't that cute?! - had a good time bowling, too, even if he didn't bowl the whole time. Those with railings let him bowl in their stead - after all, they had throws to spare!!

Afterwards, the great grandparents treated us all to eight tokens each in the arcade. My winnings - 35 tickets - earned me a Jolly Rancher and an Airhead. (I won't be able to eat any more without thinking of Cosette from Les Miserables now...) Li'l Bit enjoyed "playing," too.

We came back to the campground, watched some interesting shows on TV (including "Toddlers and Tiaras" - I can only stand that show for so long, then I start yelling at the moms - and "Say Yes to the Dress" - which I only turned on because Arwen wanted to watch it), then ate hamburgers - YUM!!!

After dinner, we walked to two of Grandma's friends' houses and met them. We organized in order of height and sang that song from "Peter Pan." It was fun!

Then, we all went to bed early because we had to go somewhere early - the big surprise of the year. Arwen and I attempted it - I even got in bed at half past nine, Mother dearest! - but, heehee, you know how girls talk. We stayed up until a little past midnight... and I think I paid for it the next morning. (There wasn't any breakfast left, so instead of oatmeal, I got cereal. Yippee.)

We were all really excited to see what the surprise was. (Of course, I already heard what it was, but I was excited anyway.) We went to the movies to see Dolphin Tale! We'd never seen it before and it was only a dollar per person (that just screams BARGAIN!!), so we went. It was really good! Grandma cried for a solid hour, and I felt like I was on the verge of tears for the entire movie. Arwen and I both agreed that the little boy who played the main character, Sawyer, will probably be in a lot of other movies pretty soon! I'd tell you more about it, but... that might take a while. I'll wait 'til I get home. BUT, before I move on... Arwen and I agreed that you guys are GOING to watch it sometime soon!

Afterwards, we went to downtown... somewhere, but not Atlanta, and ate at a really good homestyle Southern restaurant that had been there for forever. It was delicious! The grandparents met us there, which was a surprise.

The campers only get one phone call a day. I haven't had my allotted call for the week. Guess you're glad to be rid of us and are having fun with my aunt and uncle! : D

We had a lot of fun taking pictures of all of us!

It took forever to get Little Bit to smile. I hope you enjoy the enclosed work of art. : )

Then, we let them get their Funny Picture taken. They had a blast! (I think I took more pictures in that thirty minutes we sat at the restaurant than I have the entire week!)

Ooh! Funny story. We got stopped by two people in the line asking about our t-shirts (homemade and proud of it!) and one lady even said, "That's the sweetest thing I've ever seen!" We had to explain to them what exactly Camp Grandma-Honey was and what we do to keep us occupied. (They actually asked!) Then, as I was taking my tray to our table, I got stopped by an older lady who asked, "Now, is this a summer camp?" I just smiled and told her all about it all over again. Heehee... but before that, we were standing in the looooooooong line to see Dolphin Tale and I heard the lady behind me say, "Aww, such cute shirts! Oh, and look - those people have the same kind of shirts! I wonder if they're in the same group?!" Then, as Honey and the guy cousins walked up from their car, she seemed so excited - "They are!!" Then, Arwen turned around and explained what we were. Yup, we've gotten some stares, but it's fun. : )

Little Bit has really gotten to be good friends with one of the other cousins, and even asked if he could hold his hand as we walked down the street! He also requested to sit in this cousin's lap during the movie! I snapped the enclosed picture while we were walking down the street, looking at the shops and random painted horses.

Heehee... I saw a shop sign and just had to snap a picture of it! This letter will probably cost me a fortune to send, but I just wanted to show you how cute it was!!! Notice the bottom, please - I think it's the funniest part!!

I really liked this horse - and not just because it was green or had the word "horse" in Irish and painted a beautiful dark green color. Well... maybe that is the only reason why I liked it. : )

Then, we came back to the campground and let Little Bit take a nap. (He was SO tired, and even told us he needed a nap!) While he slept, we all went to play games at Grandma and Honey's church. It was a lot of fun!
Tonight, we're going to break out the chocolate fountain - WAHOOOOOOOO! We'll be having healthy food with it, though - pineapple, strawberries, pretzels, marshmallows.... : ) Then, we're probably doing to do our annual viewing of Mary Poppins!

'I must go... they'll wonder where I am.' : )

Your daughter,

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