October 17, 2012

Just for fun....



Alexandra said...

THIS. IS. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The end.

Anne-girl said...

HA! guilty guilty guilty guilty!

Treskie said...

Oh my GOSH! I know! I thought he was the coolest in that scene... and um.. He might have also looked the best. :D

Miss Dashwood said...


There. :D

This. Is. Awesomeness Sauce.

May I put it on Sink Me!, with all due credit? Purty please?

A.G. Dahl said...

That's pretty good.... *grin* How ya doin'? Long time no chat. Oh, and I tagged you in a Tag/award! :D


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys liked it! (This is what happens when I watch TSP...again...for the frillionth time...and still love Percy more and more each time!)

Amy - Absolutely! It's not really a quote from another movie, but okay. : )

Anna Grace - Long time no talk!! : ) Ooh, really?! A TAG?! Muahahaha... I love tags. Thank you so much!!
