First off.... Greetings, NaNo-ers!!! Tired of writing yet? XD
I woke up this morning and said to myself (no, I'm not crazy), "It's the first of November! A new month!!" Then.... "GASP. It's the first of November."
*dramatic pause*
"NaNo." *cue ominous music*
I really wanted to do NaNo. Like, desperately. I figured it was the only way I'd get Nikki and Alec's story done. But.... *sigh* Ever heard of this thing called Life? (Don't think that's excuse enough? Check this out.) *repeats sigh*
But then, lo and behold, in my daily perusal of blogs, I found out that Amy had come up with a plan. (A brilliant plan, mind you.)
World, say hello to...
Virtually self-explanatory. 25k words in a month. (You stay sane and get some writing done! How cool is that?!) Within literally seconds - seeing the gorgeous bloggy button that Amy made helped a little, lol - I was hooked.
I think this is going to be a piece of cake for me because I did about two thirds of my Camp NaNo/The June Crusade (same goal, except in June) writing in the last two weeks. (I think I seriously did about 37k words in two weeks. No joke. The reason why is a long story.) But I won't say that because, heehee, pride goes before destruction and all that.
So. My new writing goal this month has been set.
WARNING - There will be an abundance of writing posts this month. Literally an abundance. I probably won't get to any of the posts I had planned for this month, but I'll try to do some of them. : )
I'll also probably do a few writing tips posts if any of my writing blog-readers (all three of you) are interested! What say you?
Half NaNo-ers, UNITE!!!
Yayayayayayayay Eowyn's doing Half NaNo! HOORAY!
I'm Amy Dashwood and I approve this message. :D SO glad to have you on board, m'dear!
Amy - Glad to have your approval, m'dear. : )
Haven't started writing yet... : P But I can't wait to start!!
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